I never thought in a million years I would become

I never thought in a million years I would become an addict. I used to think I didn’t have an addictive personality, always thought addiction was a choice and not a illness. But once I realized I was addicted to opiates my whole life changed and I clearly learned that in the beginning it was a choice, until it wasn’t. Pills became heroin, even though I always swore I would never , it happened due to not wanting to be sick. I’m trying to end this journey before it truly becomes too late and I end up in a hospital or worse.

You can beat it. Get yourself to those first 90 meetings. If you can see a dr do it. I know how hard that one is. But it can be done. Someone I love dearly just hit 6 years clean.

I know it’s only the beginning and I have a long journey ahead but it is truly for the best, I’m tired of being sick and tired. Always feel like I’m hiding something from everyone, lying to not worry the ones I love. I’m sick of living this way. I will one day be like your friend.

It’s free to join me on team no fucking way. No dues or fees. Works with any other program you choose to follow.

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