I need some one to talk to about how to

I need some one to talk to about how to get sober


What questions do you have?

If you're still using you very likely need professional treatment. I would personally then recommend AA or NA meetings, getting a sponsor, and doing step work. It isn't glamorous but it's worked for millions of people.

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Everything Matt said. If you are interested in treatment, i.e., detox, we have listings on the app. Tap the lifesaver icon on the menu.

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Hey Alexis like what was said definitely try going to a treatment center. It sounds scary but it’s totally worth it

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Hey Alexis. I can only share my own experience, but getting involved in a 12-step program was really helpful for me when I was first getting sober. There are tons of Zoom meetings online. Try a beginners or Womens meeting! Message me if you need a link.

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I feel first you need to commit to wanting it. I would then search out some of the online aa meetings online and find one you like. Lots of different kinds and styles, including women’s only groups. Some are more lighthearted and some more serious but all will give you insight and probably suggestions.

I am a licensed therapist , and happy to help. Pls connect w me