I need new friends

I want to heal from my last break up


How long was your breakup.

Hi, Jennifer. The healing process is longer than we want it to be. You are amazing. I'm sure you'll find friends here. Volunteer. Do things you love. Know that the right person is out there.


I'm with you!! I'm also struggling and wanting to heal from my previous relationship

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I've experienced the same thing recently. Letting go isn't easy,letting go is the only way to heal. I know saying it and doing it are so very different. It's been over 2 months for me and I've just now started to rid my devices of everything associated with her. So, take your time, you will reach the point of realization that nothing lasts forever. You will heal but only when you accept this.


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Always game to support your recovery in every which way. :grin: :+1:

drop me a line sometime If you’d like! :blush: :pray:

Be careful looking for something outside yourself to make you happy

I need friends myself. When i got clean I let go of people places and things that would possibly make me relapse or affect my sobriety . I also went through a bad breakup with 2 boys kids involved. I had to learn to live with myself and do things independently. Not rely on any one but myself. You will be just fine. Just know that there is nothing wrong with you you can heal your heart from the pain from rejection. Be strong

@jennifer87212 I’m hurting as well I been a widower for 5 years now which makes me feel lonely and sometimes I get so high on alcohol because of this before I was introduced to this app just recently. How long have you been facing break up ?

Hang in there! I’m dealing with a break up as well. Never easy, just know we are all here to help and talk If needed.

Looks like this is a good place to be.

Take it slow. Cut off contact with him. Focus on yourself first.

Were here... I know how you feel and your not alone. Its a process but you got this..

same here🤷‍♂️

I'm in the same boat. I get it, really tough. Hang in there, you've got this.

Time heals all. Take your time and be picky. I’ve settled before and things didn’t work out. Love yourself and take things one day at a time. Chat with some ladies on here. Relationships are tough even in recovery. Good luck. Stay in touch.