I need help. I lost control again this weekend. I

I need help. I lost control again this weekend. I feel embarrassed and ashamed of myself. I can’t let my guard down for one second. This sucks.

I know how you feel. Stress is the number one trigger for me then I'm back to the bottle

I am on my 5th day of sobriety I want a beer today so bad because it's so hot outside. I have found my escape and I found it in Jesus reading my Bible praying I give my life to Jesus and that has helped me beyond measures I cannot tell you how much give him my life to him is helped me get rid of my alcohol just a suggestion it is a way out


Get to a meeting man!!

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I was never a religious guy and don’t think I ever will be to be honest.

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Neither am I. Which can be a bit of an obstacle in most 12 step programs.

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Like my granny use to say "close that door and don't look back".

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Don't be ashamed relapse is part of recovery get back up take your pride and run with it and you got this