I need advice

I am depressed. I feel like no one understands me. I want to be sober but don’t know how. I’m afraid to go to meetings because of COVID. I know they’re online meetings but I can’t focus. I have so many distractions at home- kids and work.

I’m stressed and don’t know what to do to stop stressing.


I feel this. it’s really hard doing it during the pandemic

Perhaps you could do a meeting in your car on your phone? Do you have anyone who could watch your kids for an hour while you do meetings? Or do a late one when they’re asleep

Meetings are a fantastic way to meet other like minded people. Of course, there are many of us here on the app that are willing to talk as well. There are some options but reaching out when u need it is very important.

I gotta agree with Eric and Jackie. Do you have a friend or neighbor who can entertain your kids for a couple hours while you go to a meeting?

Have you tried meditating or anything? Do you have any support or anyone who could help with the kids while you get on a zoom meeting?

I need sobriety i want sobriety but am confused

Hi, Mary. What are you confused about?

Hey @mary84974 how are you doing today?

Hey, Sandy and Mary. How are you?