I miss you Mom

You stood by me, supported me, scolded me, counciled me and always loved me. Though I was not always a good son, you were always there with a hug that melted away the world problems. You toiled tirelessly for us, your children, guided us in right and wrong, taught us to follow our own paths. Just don't be late for supper. Putting up with us, your children, as rebellious as we were, must have been a challenge. You were more than equal to the task. Putting up with us as adults?, I don't know how you did it. Through everything we, as your children, put you through, the one constant, the one thing that was always with us, was your love. At times we did not deserve it, in my case, I know I stretched that tie to near the breaking point.
Mom, I love you and I miss you.


That's really touching and heart felt. :heart: Wow

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Been a rough year

I'm sorry to hear that. I hope things get better for you.:blush:

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With time they will.... I have faith in my God.

That's the best thing.

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Greg, I love how much you love your mom. I'm here if you need to talk. I know how it feels to lose a parent.

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I'm with ya brother, RIP Mom , much love & respect

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I'm ok, I think. Spent some time on my bike today.... gives me time to talk to my God.

It’s been 2.5 years since I lost my mum. She had 22 years sober and when I couldn’t make myself get up and do recovery she took my hand and said today we do it together. I am here for ya


Thank you, prayers to you and your family