I miss alcohol today 😪. It one of them hard

I miss alcohol today :sleepy:. It one of them hard days they told me about.

I feel you. Sometimes it felt like alcohol was the only thing that would always be there for me

Agreed, legit I feel truth in that statement. It hurt more than it help though in the end. It's good to express that sometimes even though it's hard.

Definitely hurts more than it helps. Im now to the point of having no friends, my parents are tired of helping me, boyfriend left, and the worst part, my oldest daughter left the other day I started drinking and hasn't come back, this is a new kinda pain for me.

Just remember, alcohol doesn't miss you.

Im coming up on 10 years sober and couldn't be happier. Don't let the disease tell you there's no disease.

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I had one of those days two days ago I felt like I was going crazy and my emotions were all over the place. I talked out with someone I trusted and I felt alot better hopefully opening up about it helped you a bit. That rough day took me by surprise because I had been feeling pretty okay before that. I hung in there and the next day was a bit better. How are you feeling now?