I’m trying to make a positive change in my life

I’m trying to make a positive change in my life for me and my son. First step is cutting back on drinking or cutting it out all together.... I know I can do it I just have to be strong....


I tried cutting back and for me it never works. Unfortunately moderation isn’t in our wheelhouse. Good luck on your journey, you have a lot of company

That sounds like an amazing idea and plan. I am an alcoholic, almost three years sober, with two kids. Best decision I could have EVER made in my life but It was also a decision I almost didn't get to make. You can do it!!

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Go for complete sobriety. There will likely be relapses but make them wake up calls to go right back to abstinence. You can call that “cutting back”, unfortunately I agree that consciously trying to cut back rarely works out. Best of luck if you want to ever chat I’m starting my journey too, 12 days in :slight_smile:

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Cutting back is not a solution, an alcoholic is not and never will be a social drinker. Make a solid decision and stick with it good luck


Yes be strong! May the force be with you.