I’m struggling with my recovery again and my addiction. I’ve been trying to do it on my own but I can’t anymore. I don’t know what to do at this point and I feel so alone.
So happy you are here! I have the same problem. You are not alone. Try to keep busy!!!
- Go to meetings
- Ask for help
- Listen to and try what has worked for other people
Try doing new things,getting nice people as freinds around would help along way,walk away from people that makes you want to continue your addictions
Have people in a different circle which you can always share your pains with
Thanks for your friendship
You’re welcome
Here for u.
Thanks girl
Hello Nikki! Welcome to Loosid! I hope you’re feeling better today.
For me it took getting kicked out of my home to really see that my life was going nowhere fast. I had to do something about it. I got medical help first, then inpatient treatment, then built a recovery circle of like minded people dealing with similar struggles. Finally I got into the rooms of AA, NA and Loosid. I’ve also been to a few Life ring meetings and a couple Recovey Dharma meetings as well as read their book. My point is I’ve struggled in the past trying to stay sober on my own will. It always lead me back to drinking. This last run of drinking got me started on meth. Then I stopped using only to think I could do it again better then the last time. This time I’m for real! I’m doing everything new in recovery. I’m open minded about all ideas that others have tried. Meditation, mindfulness challenges. I’m going to any length to get my sobriety. I hope this was helpful as much as it was for me. Thank you for letting me be of service. Have a wonderful day filled love and peace within.
Thank you
Why alone? I’m only asking because I tried alone also and it didn’t work for me. I relapse after 15 years. 10 in sobriety and 5 alone. I now have 48 days and living in a 60 day impatient facility. I’m new here and just thought you should know your not alone on this quest.
Meetings and zoom meetings.we need people to get sober.and we need a foundation early on .that’s why we need 90&90 .do l want to fall every time something happens in life.no that’s why we need to work hard at this.and grow up little by little.
I feel alone too, but people on this app are wonderful to talk to. I'm just beginning my sober journey and an looking for nearby AA meetings. Keep reaching out, there are people who've been through it and can help