I’m struggling with meth addiction

I'm struggling with meth addiction. Any advise on how to kick this habbit?


Go to www.na.org to find a meeting. Attend and be involved. Ask for a sponsor.

You will need to take it 1 moment/day a time. You’ll need to show yourself patience and strength.


Thank you

Bird of a feather got around sober people in recovery


It’s no problem. Remember this is your journey. Do not compare your path to others unless you are learning from them. Don’t feel less than.


I would consult a doctor. The withdraw could be nasty.

How can a doctor help? Are there meds that ease the withdrawal? What should I expect? I haven't been able to stay clean for more than 3 days.

I'm not sure. I just know withdrawal can be bad depending on how long and frequen you've been using. Speak with a doctor and see what they recommend

Thank you. Ive been afraid to speak to anyone about it. I will work up the courage to see a doctor and others who can help.

How long have you been doing it?

you don't really physically withdraw from meth, it's a mental thing, it's a bad bad mental thing tho. but you will need to sleep and eat. pending how long you have been on it. last time I got off i was in bed for 2 weeks. but not hurting just tired. the mental part will only be a day or two at the most. longest day or two of your life tho

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i highly suggest you do whatever you can do to get off of it tho. It is the sole reason that i am where i am. I have lost everything, my marriage, my family, my home, my car, my job, everything. I sit here alone wonderring where i will sleep tonight. why? because of meth. so please learn from my story because it's not if it will happen to you, it;s a matter of when it will happen to you

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Check out some pics of peoples pics of the change after meth addiction for just ten yrs, mugshots.. people go from being so pretty to looking a hundred

I chose treatment. best decision I ever made


Hey Sam, I just downloaded this app and I'm with ya. Hello everyone. I've been on it for over 20 years. I was/am a daily user. I've been sober for 12 days now. The first days are the hardest, tired, irritable, mud-head. It's already getting better.

So, get as much sleep as you can. In my case with work it was hard to. Eat well. And start removing yourself from your same old environment. Do things that are different. Share the news with so.eone who will understand even if they have no experience. If all they do is listen then that is good. Stay in touch... let's do this together.

Brian (in Denver)


I spent a couple of years in my 20s on meth. When I got pregnant, I quit and it was the hardest thing I ever did. This time,, ive been smoking meth daily for over 2 years and its 10 times harder. I just can't seem to get past those first 3 days. And I have a kid now and can't spend 2 weeks in bed. Thats one of the excuses I've been stuck on.

What could one expect from treatment? Are there outpatient options?

I have aged a lot in the past couple of years. And my mind isn't as quick as it used to be...So many reasons to quit.

After the 2 weeks, how did you feel? I'm afraid of the long term depression and fatigue. Ive read that the physical withdrawal is limited, but damn, it sure doesn't feel like it to me.

Brian, 12 days, awesome! You inspire me. I appreciate the support. Only 2 people know about my current use and even they don't know the extent of it. It gets pretty lonely. Did you feel all buzzy in your head when you first stopped? Its an unpleasant sensation that is difficult to explain, so I probably just sound crazy. But if anyone does know what I'm talking about, is there anyway to avoid it?