I’m starting today

I’m starting today.


Day 1 is a great start. Do you have plans in place to help you be focused and conquer 1 day at a time? :grinning:

This app, and thinking of things to keep me busy when I get home after work. . That’s when I seem to have issues.

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Congrats on making the choice to start. There is no better day than today. While this app is an amazing tool, it definitly isn’t replacement for a recovery program . Have you ever considered going to meetings?

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Good Kelianna. Having a plan helps. Connection is the opposite of addiction. Be sure to connect frequently with other sober individuals. It may be on this app or in meetings.

Serving others is also beneficial. I know with the pandemic it would be difficult to do in person. Check out www.volunteermatch.org as they have many virtual volunteer opportunities.

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Stay connected with people today!

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I haven’t yet. I’ve been looking at what’s available in my area

Thank you, I will.

That’s awesome Kelianna. This place is a great place to be. I’ve pretty much stormed through the past 842 days by myself and through sheer grit....however sometimes I just need to know there are others who are going through those same feelings and experiences at the same time, and so I jump on here and quickly feel that comfort. Make sure in these early days that you go easy on yourself mentally and physically. Do not feel like you need to do a thousand things either. There is no pressure to do anything other than be easy on yourself, eat, and rest. We’re all doing the same things and are here :ok_hand:t2::pray:t2:

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The only day greater in a journey than the day it ends, is the day it begins. Every step is one that is new and fresh. Welcome to the road we now share. Hopefully those who have been on it for a while can be of service.

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Thank you so much

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I was the same way. I have created new night rituals like meditating, reading, painting and cooking.

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Nice! If you can’t find any (most of the ones near me are shut down) def experiment with some online! They’ve been great during the pandemic!

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