I’m Sober Y’all

Am I the only one with under 5 years sober?


No you’re not.

17 months here!

7 days, i think :thinking:


Definitely not Hang in there

My clean date is7/27/15 , but whoever got up first today has the most clean time, I got up at 5 am..

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360 days!!

nope, 9 months

Happy 24

Heck no I only have three months and some change

138 days

46 days

I wish you all had longer time...but I am glad I'm not alone. I'm grateful for each of you.

No, John S has 3 years, 8 months and 11 days today!!:+1::pray::+1::pray::+1:

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I got almost 4

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Precise. Now, I want someone to break it down by years, months, days, hours, and minutes. Brownie points for seconds.

Day 1, 80, 4000, I am proud of all you.


There IS an app for that...it's called NOMO.

One more thing,Tori. May I ask why you wanted to know in the first place about people with less than 5 years?

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