I’m retired but can’t quit drinking. Been a drinker

I’m retired but can’t quit drinking. Been a drinker most of my lift

I'm sure it's already occurred to you that you need something to fill the time you used to spend working. And since you are here, you also need to connect with some sober people through AA. It might not seem like your thing but give it time. You've already taken the first step.

Never too late to quit.
I’m on the opposite end. Quit when I was 26 and I’m now 63 and retired for 1 year. I have considered going back but enjoy the light headed feeling when I wake from a great night of sleep. I might start hanging out at the corner bar just for some socializing. I’ve heard one too many drinking stories to go back to A.A.
You definitely face an uphill climb - good luck

Thanks for your response I’m going to give It my best. I really need help and support

I guess if you have this problem the age doesn’t matter. Thanks for your reply

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I would consider a legitimate detox or short inpatient at the least. That couple of weeks does quite a bit to clear your head if you’re willing to make the honest effort.

Thanks, I’m seeing my family doctor on Tuesday and I will be completely honest with him and see what he suggests

Thanks. I love the support

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Sorry your struggling...I’m connecting with others, I find this is helping me and joining zoom AA meetings and keeping busy. If you haven’t already maybe connect with some local groups but keep connecting with us on this app!! We are stronger together then by ourselves!!