I’m relapsing. I need help

I’m relapsing. I need help.


Yes it will be okay try to do something that will take your mind off of it

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At one point I had to start over many times ,let my mind rap around not getting any mind altering chemicals and feeling ok with it, its 180 degrees from what our mind and bodys want, thats why the 12 steps and a sponcer our in order..

Hi, Madeline. Have you found a meeting, have a sponsor, or gone to treatment?

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Hi Madeline , like Amanda says have you seek any of her suggestions? Try to find something to distract you or start a new hobby mean while. Take it one day at a time..

Are you self monitoring? Aware of triggers? Do you have a backup plan when they arise?

Don't beat yourself up. Tomorrow is another day.

Are you OK? I know you said you were relapsing, did you get back on the horse so to speak?

Since this post, I’ve been back on the sober path. Thank you, everyone.


You're so very welcome. I'm glad you're on the right path.

Are you okay?

I apologize that I’m new to this app were you reaching out to me?