I’m really frustrated after the day I’ve had cleaning

I’m really frustrated after the day I’ve had cleaning up after 2 days of flooding in my basement.I walked 30 minutes and bought 2 beers.I’m tired and seems like my kids or anyone cares. My depression is setting in. It’s like no one cares about a 60 yr old


After I cool down I’m locking myself in my bedroom ,Lonely ,tired and determined that there is the right person out there that’s willing to be friends first then see where things go .I won’t respond to anyone that’s younger then me

I’ve been thru to much after being married 42 yrs (met him when I was 13 and married him when I was 16 and had our first child when I was 19. My story is to deep to write and trusting is my biggest issue but it’s to lonely

Hi Terrie. If you didn't drink please throw the beers away. It's not worth starting the clock over.

I'm not condoning it, but it's a known fact that the mid-life crisis start in 40s. During this time our children are getting older and living their lives. Our parents are leaving this world or we're taking care of them.

When we get in our 50s/60s it's just us (SO + you). If no SO we feel more lonely. Your feelings are common, unfortunately.

You'll find someone. Things take time.

My son is helping me today and he says the sump pump isn’t big enough

You should find someone to open yourself with to be able to improve.

I’m 60 also. I too get very lonely and depressed. And I usually drink over it. Only I can’t control how much I drink. I’m sober 9 days and AA is really not for me. Doesn’t work and I don’t like it

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Like who ?

Don’t like AA

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I don’t like the AA that’s close to my house either the building is not colorful I find it really depressing and a lot of old looking men