I’m really enjoying the book Drinking Sucks. He talks a

I’m really enjoying the book Drinking Sucks. He talks a lot about supplementation and how if you have drank a lot you would likely need to repair with supplements and to help avoid relapse . I have done it and definitely noticed a difference. My health is my main focus now. Here is the link to the website in case anybody’s interested. Please be careful the supplements! Make sure you talk to your doctor. There are contraindications with a lot of supplements and meds.

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Where did you find this book?

I'll have to check that out sounds informative

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I definitely need to read this.

Thanks for the suggestion.

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Yes, I’ve heard that as well. It definitely messes with our cognition. there’s another book I like as well. How To Quit Without Feeling Shit : The Fast, Highly Effective Way To End Addiction To Caffeine, Sugar, Cigarettes, Alcoh - ubiq university bookshop: the best place to buy books!