I’m quitting drinking today and I’m worried about feeling like

I’m quitting drinking today and I’m worried about feeling like I’m missing out on things. I need to find more sober activities to spend my weekends doing. Any recommendations would be hugely appreciated

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Every day I enjoy not being hungover. Remembering going to bed. Brushing my teeth. Having some money in my bank account. Being generous. Helping people. Smiling. Not looking over my shoulder or in the rear view mirror for someone who could arrest me.

Reading. Gardening. Watching movies til the end.

In time you’ll be doing everything that you’ve ever enjoyed except with a clear and undisturbed mind.


Unfortunately I’ve tried that and too many times I end up getting drunk anyway even when I told myself I wouldn’t. Decided to just take away that option altogether


Life is better on the sober side….it’s been a blessing for me

I’m looking forward to it

It took me a long time to realize I just had to stop altogether. And I am so grateful I did. It takes a lot of strength to get sober but it is so worth it


I started getting into board games as a social replacement. Same camaraderie but controllable. You may have to retreat a bit in the short term to fix what drives you to drink. I did the work and now I have no problem going into bars/concerts/whatever with friends but it’s because I did the internal work.

You're not missing out on anything being sober. Getting wasted isn't the thing to do.

Enjoy board games. I like to volunteer. You can probably find some virtual volunteer opportunities.