I’m on day 7 of my sobriety/sober curious journey and

I’m on day 7 of my sobriety/sober curious journey and I’m feeling super tempted to drink even though I know I’ll regret it. Thinking of going for a walk later to clear my head

Hi I'm Ryan I have been sober almost 100 days. I suggest you go to an AA meeting on Zoom. Talk to people there. It will help. https://www.nyintergroup.org/remote-meetings/list/

Remember that it's going to feel worse for awhile.

I've been saying this a lot lately but you have to play the tape forward. What will happen after you drink? Depending on how long you've been a drinker you may feel good for a while like it talks about in the doctor's opinion but that feeling will pass. Then comes the guilt and shame and the challenge of having to start all over. It's an Insidious cycle of insanity.

Sometimes we have to take it a moment at a time. First week first month and first-year is so slow. It gets better so don't quit before the miracle

I failed yesterday. Went to bed guilty and miserable. Woke up miserable. It's not worth few hours of release.

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Holla at me Ryan!

It's good you decided to share your discomfort with other people in recovery. That's how you take power away from your disease, by sharing about it.

I totally agree that meetings, online or not, are an amazing resource especially if you're struggling. And these cravings will pass, it will get easier every day, even if they never disappear completely for some people it will continue to get better.

This is the hardest part and big kudos to you for deciding to work so hard on yourself.

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I’m on day 8! We should be accountability partners.

I’m 7 days also, I’m enjoying the peace. I was ready to stop. I did go on medication to stave off cravings.

Nice idea Denise but In recovery, statistics has proven that men should stick with men and women with women. Why? We tend to fall into relationships quickly in early sobriety because it feels like a nice comforting cure to take away the pain of our new life of dealing with the pains of life without a temp fix. Trust me, I've been down that road many times and each time it caused me more problems and led me back out. I recommend people get themselves a sponsor of the same sex who has been sober a long time and goes to a lot of meetings. If you want an accountability partner, they too should be the same sex. To thine own self be true.

I'm 62 and started in AA back in the 80's. Ive seen a lot and have been there and done that.

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Watch out for the pink clouds. It's great that you are feeling peace but one of the stages of early recovery is the “Pink Cloud Syndrome.” I've heard so many people in their first week, first month talk about how wonderful life is in their new life of sobriety. They usually have a strong awakening after about the third month when the reality of Life sets in and they realize that they aren't supposed to drink or use any more. That is when we are truly looking for a real solution. Remember, drinking and/or using drugs is only a symptom of our problem. We have to get down to causes and conditions.

What is the solution you might ask? Meeting makers make it. I'm an alcoholic and Alcoholics Anonymous taught me how to live without picking up a drink. Addiction is all the same.

Putting down the drink was only a beginning.

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Fledging thoughts will b for the rest of your life

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