I’m on day 16 no opiates, I still feel kind

I’m on day 16 no opiates, I still feel pretty shitty. I have literally no energy, and my physical pain has come back tenfold. I also still can’t sleep. How much longer will this last? I don’t remember it taking so long before…


Hang in there, opiates will take some times, but keep going forward.


I’m on day 24 and still feeling like shit. I remain hopeful. Really the key is to just keep doing something. Even if its taking a walk around the block


Keep up the good work your starting see the true you again that is beautiful hang in there it gets better every day stay positive :+1:

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I’m good ya’ll, just hella inpatient. :joy: I appreciate you guys though!

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No problem it all about positive energy

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Just relax today take it easy it really is all done your mind an body is just readjusting maybe. do something you like to do be creative remember your body an mind is healing of course your gonna feel different an  irritable self talk I’m good it’s over your alright !An when you can’t sleep take a hot shower an lay down close your eyes an rest that mite be for only an hour but you’ll Love be good an stay strong an remember all that you’ve experienced this time around so you’ll never mess around again lesson learned

I feel you. Getting off opiates is the worst. But if you are already at day 16 you should be through the worst of it. Keep it up!

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I just want you to know that I’m not on here because of her addiction I have no addictions and I don’t judge no one in their issues but I respect and appreciate to see people as motivated if you give me a drive for the better keep on doing what you’re doing get better every day and accomplish your dreams in life thank you

You are amazing shine bright like a diamond let nothing take that away

Day sixty was considerably better. I started exercising regularly. One day at a time. Now 2 years clean the obsession to use or drink is gone. I continue to invest time and energy to my recovery every day. Keep it up and don’t be afraid to ask for help!

I’m glad you are doing better :grinning:

Hang in there. Are you in rehab or doing this cold turkey?

Detox made it considerably easier for me. I had medications to help me relax and sleep.

Stick with it... Your almost there!