I’m new to this and am not exactly sure how

I’m new to this and am not exactly sure how to deal.
My other half is in treatment for meth addiction, which is one of the biggest blessings ever. There have been A LOT of things that happened before him making it there.
As of right now, I’m having a really, really hard time emotionally and mentally dealing with him still blaming me for the choices he made which inevitably caused me to call the police on him. He hasn’t forgiven me for that and began accusing me of things that never even happened.
I’m a wreck and I need help…


we are here for you :two_hearts:


Thank you.

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You’re not responsible for other people’s actions or the repercussions of them.

Did you use with him? Did you care for him when he was using? Can you use this time to get yourself on a healthy path free of substance abuse and codependency?

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I know I’m not. Yes, I did use with him. Before that, I never did anything harder than weed. I am trying so hard to focus on myself and have been sober for over 9 months. I feel it’s the codependency that I’m struggling with. And the narcissistic abuse. He was never that way before he relapsed. And I never knew the user version of him. I’d met him when he was sober and that’s the man I’m familiar with. We were damned near perfect for 5 years. Then everything went to sh*t…

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Humility accompanies a successful program of recovery, which hopefully he will find in rehab. So does letting go of resentments.

You recognize and acknowledge your codependency which is a big step in the right direction. Ask for help. At a meeting like al anon if you can.

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That’s the goal.

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There’s an app called meeting guide, it has a chair as the logo. Use it to find AA meetings in your area. Go there and they will welcome you. Share your story at the meeting and just keep going. You’re not alone and they will be there to help you. Make sure you get a “Sponsor” they will ask if you need one. It’s a person That will help keep you accountable and will be there for you when you get the urge to drink so that you don’t :slight_smile:

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Or use

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Thank you.

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Plenty of people in your exact same situation

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