I’m new to the app, but not to recovery

I’m new to the app, but not to recovery. I have a difficult time attending in person meetings and making new friends due to social anxiety I’ve had since I was young. I recently relapsed and I know that an important part of recovery is having a support system of sober friends to talk to. I’m looking forward to making some friends here


Hey Melissa! I can definitely relate. Fairly new to the app and I haven’t been super active, but sometimes a quick scroll through is enough to remind me why sobriety is so important for me. Feel free to message anytime! I think being behind a screen can make the social anxiety a little less scary.


You have here, there are zoom meetings. You are not alone.

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Hey Greg, I am also in an IOP group that really helps as well. I need to attend online meetings, but my excuse is time. I always made time to drink, so I should be able to spare an hour a day for a meeting.

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I am not a big fan of online meetings, guess my age is showing. There was no personal use of internet when I got sober. I enjoy live meetings. This social media is a new thing for me. I figure I can check in at least once a day. Happy you are here, welcome.

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Hi Melissa. Welcome.

Have you thought about virtual meetings? Maybe you can connect with some in the virtual meetings and have an e-friendship (Facebook, Instagram, meetings) until you're ready for in person friendships. You definitely have us here at Loosid.

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I did a few virtual meetings last year when I was in rehab, and keep meaning to go but always “forget” I do attend peer support online meetings and IOP group online.

I am here for you😊

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As I am here for you!

Life is not “the hallmark channel”. We all have issues. You are not alone, my new friend!! I am with you on our journey!!!!!!

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It is so wonderful that we have a support system!!!

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I sleep now! Have a good night!! God bless you! You are an amazing person!!!

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Hi Melissa, new to the app as well and relocated to Texas back in July. I was told what to do before I left from my solid support group and I jumped right in on my second day here. Best decision I ever made was taking their advice! I am in Canyon Lake and have surrounded myself with amazing men and women that I have met within the rooms of AA. The meetings that I found have kept me going each and every day through the night! I am truly doing this a one day at a time.

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I get it. I have crippling social anxiety. So much so, that going to AA meetings pretty much always led me to drinking afterward to deal with the stress. Bizarre, right? I’m sure it lightens up after significant sober time. I hope, at least.

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My virtual IOP helps a lot too and I like the tool set from medically based recovery better for me. That said when I need a little boost I usually hit an AA intergroup meeting. Just look it up in Google. They have meetings 24/7 that fit every possible need.

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That was always my issue in the past. By the time the meeting was over I had so much anxiety I “needed” a drink.