I’m new here. Searching for likeminded people in my life

I’m new here. Searching for likeminded people in my life. I have been sober for 60 days, longest stretch yet! My whole life has been surrounded by alcohol. I started drinking at the age of 12 or 13 and continued until 60 days ago. I am tired of living in guilt for my drunkenness and want to live a life that I am proud of and happy. Alcohol has never brought me joy. I used it as a way to cope with my social anxiety and my need to fit in. The people in my life are ALL drinkers and it is making my journey challenging, especially being married to someone who drinks. I’m in need of a sober tribe to help me navigate this new path and am hoping to find it here.:heartpulse:


Good for you Elizabeth! I recently started therapy and it has been super helpful. It’s helped me see that I have been using alcohol to manage my social anxiety. Now I just need to work on how to navigate that. A work in progress. Good luck on your search, and your sobriety!:heartbeat:

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We are all works in progress. Keep up the good work Holly! Ive also used alcohol to treat depression and found that letting it go was the best medication possible. I’m only 16 days deep but the emotional impact is huge. This is true freedom!


Hey, Holly! Welcome!
Congratulations on 60 days and good for you for reaching out . There’s lots of support here.:orange_heart:

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In the same boat there.. day 2 today. Been trying to stop for ages but those depression and insomnia issues are such a pain. Working on finding different ways of dealing with the insomnia here but it seems the biggest helper is just keeping in better habits. Possibly a better sleep setup/ pillows etc too. I’m trying to get myself away from the electronics screens before bed, since those seem to be another source of messing up our sleep

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And congratulations to you on 60 days Holly!

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Sounds like you know what you need and are headed down the right path. Depression and insomnia are no joke! Have you ever tried sleep mediation? Just a thought. Congratulations for entering the journey to sobriety!

Congrats to you! It sounds as though it’s going well for you! You’re right, we are works in progress.

Thank you!:blush:

Welcome Holly you sound very gun ho. I’m glad you reached out. This is a big step in life. I once heard the only thing ya got to change is everything. Really confused me at the time. Do you have a local support group? Do you have lady friends to talk to.? I hope so if not try and get some at a meeting. Welcome and good luck