I’m new here and i need some serious help

I’m new here and i need some serious help. I’m an alcoholic


You took the first major step. It took me about 6 years to accept it. It’s not easy. Now is the time for better things


Hi Belinda. You've completed the first step-admitting you have a problem. Now it's time to get help. :grin:

There are many resources available. So if you try 1 or 2 or 3 and they don't work, there are many more.

There are treatment centers, meetings, sponsors, therapy, events...how do you feel about those?


Belinda, great job at being able to state that you need help! That takes so much courage and vulnerability.

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Now let’s try and make you a plan for getting sober ... what can you do today to start?

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Today I am going to call a rehab in my area and talk to them. I’m a Little nervous but i have to do something.


If you need help finding one to call there is a treatment locator here in app.

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Thank you

This is a great plan. I know how scary that feels, but it will be a weight lifted off once you’ve taken that first step. Have you had a chance to call yet today?

I did call. My therapist will be calling me tomorrow and someone else will be calling me tonight. I’m making dinner so I can’t explain right now but I will later. Thank you


I new I was an alcoholic for many years. Was never in denial. Just did it cause I thought I was having fun bar hopping. Then got a DUI and started drinking alone for 10 years cause I was bored. It all hit me last year got really depressed and anxiety attacks waking up drunk and hating how I was living. Stopped for a month then started again. Now I’m 4 days sober and giving this my all. I see no reason for me to drink alcohol again! Pointless

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I would like to chat you or call you !!! Am here you were able to admit the state you find your self !! Now what you should start saying is. I am not an alcoholic person by nature or by birth !! It’s a choice . And we know that if it’s a choice then we can decide better or make a different choice any new day !!

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Proud of you that you took the first step. Attend meeting and don’t take it as you are forced to help is there if it did work for us it will for you. The important is to be honest with yourself. We are here to help you as well just reach out, you can do it :+1::pray:t4:

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That’s a bold step to take

Your on the right road the value of feeling good in the morning is priceless alone

Hello Belinda: Thank-you for your honesty. Have you ever tried, really tried, going to AA or NA meetings? Millions have found freedom from addiction through those fellowships. I'm a satisfied customer. :relieved::pray:

You ok?

Just checking in. How are you?