I’m new and have no idea what’s going on! 🥴

I’m new and have no idea what’s going on! :woozy_face:

Same man lol


smile and nod lol


sounds like we are all trying to figure this out


That’s funny. I can relate. I am guessing that touching base and encouraging each other will help us all achieve our respective goals. Well, eventually....



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Welcome all. Loosid is a community of addicts of all sorts and stages of recovery sharing experience, strength and hope with each other. We come from all walks of life and struggle with all sorts of dependency. There are some old timers with 30+ years sober, and there are some who are living 30 seconds at a time trying to get through day 1.


Lol just post what comes to mind and we will support lol

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I do believe this site has a lot of support for sobriety which I am seeking to do as well so far I have gone 5 days progress is progress One Day at a Time Sweet Jesus and I think that's what this is about so my advice to anyone on here who is looking to get sober like me give your life to Jesus Christ completely and he will set you free I don't even want a drink and I drink 35-40 years I gave Jesus Christ my life a couple of weeks ago and I have 5 days of sobriety and I've had 5 days of peace it really feels good Jesus is the answer to sobriety


New to the app or new to sobriety?

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Second try at sobriety and new to the app

Welcome. Awesome support here!!!

What’s going on is you and your future are you in the right path. ???