I’m losing myself again and don’t know what to do.m

I’m losing myself again and don’t know what to do anymore. I’m so lost.


Have you relapsed or what exactly is going on?

Least you found the right place to go to. To let people know to let people help you. Sounds like you need to find a meeting. And find somebody to talk to there.

What are you losing yourself to?

Let us know what’s wrong we are here to help

I got into this relationship- he broke up with me because I had a mental breakdown last night. Accused me of using but I have not used. Drink I did do. I just found this app today and hope it will help me. Crazy how the just for today was about relapse.

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I’m going to a meeting tomorrow. It’s hard to find one because of covid. The online meetings I can’t really focus in.. maybe I’m just making excuses to not do them.

Hang in there, hit a meeting in person or if you have to do a zoom meeting go to a park or somewhere different to have a change in scenery, it may help you focus. Hope you find some peace and happiness, reach out if you'd like.


If he broke up with you because you had a mental breakdown, he did you a favor. You don’t need someone who is going to bale on you when you need them the most. You have people to talk you through this here. See if you can get into a group or therapy session. Hang tough and let the loser walk. Not worth your time.

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Don't give up. Keep going.

Don't lose yourself. Find yourself.

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It really just hurt my feelings so bad. I’m doing better today. I found a meeting to go to after work- gonna go to the gym with my mom. I don’t have insurance so I can’t really get into therapy or even groups. I appreciate you guys for helping me .

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You know the spiritual principle that the first step is based off of is honesty my sponsor told me that his definition of honesty is the Lac of intent to deceive self when you said you didn't use but you did drink in my experience there's no difference my clean date it's 7:27 16 and I still because of the choices I make suffer consequences the causes me to lose my mind so that's when it's time to stick to the basics call my sponsor go to a meeting fellowship with other people in recovery and see what spiritual principles that the steps of based off of can be applied I have faith in you leaving you much love and respect

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zoom is amazing no excuse not to go saved thousands.. listen to.the message alot of grt people on zoom thru the world no excuses!

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