I’m just struggling today

I’m just struggling today. I have been sober for almost a month but today is just a hard day for some reason. I will make it through..one MINUTE at a time!!

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I’m sorry you’re struggling. The beginning is definitely the hardest. Focus on 1 minute at a time and you’ll succeed.

Continue to reach out to us if you struggle. We’re here for you.

Thank you...Encouraging words are so important to me.

I am a pretty quiet person...it is hard for me to talk much but this is a “do or die” thing!!! I must find a voice...my voice!! That will help my recovery

Quite people often have the best heard voice. When you shoulder so much in silence people take note if you ask for help. Keep going one second at a time if you have to. You can do this.

We're sober brothers and sisters. We're in this together.

Jessica, I can be quiet at times, too. Find your voice and share it.

How are you feelung... trust me we know the struggle sending prayers your wat

I am ok...I have made it through the day so far...I don’t know why this day has been so rough.

Keep doing what you’re doing and it will keep getting better… That is a promise

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Same all day