I’m just curious after drinking daily about the withdrawals. I

I’m just curious after drinking daily about the withdrawals.

When was your last drink? Are you able to attend a meeting?

It’s about to make 48 hours since I drank tonight and where is the meeting?

I would suggest searching online for AA meetings in your area. Congratulations on the 48 hr. mark. We know how hard that can be. I’d say try not to be too hard on yourself and do something kind for your mind & body today. If you feel you may need medical attention seek out medical advice from medical professionals.

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That time frame described does not make sense.

There is a great AA meeting app. You can also talk to your doctor about Naltrexone to help the cravings. Monument also has programs with therapist and doctors online. I found them and this sight extremely helpful.

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Please be sure to talk to a doctor if you are concerned about withdrawal symptoms.

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I always had Shaking vomiting diarrhea and eye pain. I had a detox regime from the health food store or got medication from my doctor called Librium that helps with withdrawal. Always talk to a doctor if going through alcohol withdrawal as it can be more serious than these symptoms

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Welcome and congrats! Sobriety is the best life!
aa.org to find more info on the Alcoholics Anonymous program

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All in good time, if you don't drink and sot out meetings you have a chance at a healthy life, the isem is the problem , the level of Disfunction from your upbringing and unmanageable life skills that lead back to drinking to manage your feelings.this program is simple but its the hardest thing you will ever do if your a true alcoholic.

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