I’m in a foreign country and I thought I had

I’m in a foreign country and I thought I had found the liquor someone left behind. Most of it was empty for the exception of this one container. It had 2oz or less of what I thought was vodka left. So I quickly drank. It was rubbing alcohol. I drank it almost 24 hrs ago. My dr in the states said I should be fine. However my stomach hurts and burns. Has anyone made this mistake? Scared and looking for others experience. And I’m currently looking for a sobriety program.

Checking in on you— how’s that tummy today? As far as sobriety programs there are many available depending on what area you are in and what structure/support level you are looking for. Feel free to send a DM.

Hey Kris: Why not try the local AA or NA help line? I'm sure that someone there locally would be able to help you more effectively. You might be surprised that there are those who operate those helplines, for no money btw, who are willing to help.