I’m having a tough time deciding whether or not I

I’m having a tough time deciding whether or not I want to go sober again. What helped y’all on choosing? I’m leaning towards it, just have something in my way that’s making me hesitant.

Well I didn’t want to lose my kids and either go to jail or die in a car wreck.


I’m having a tough time of getting there. I’ve been sober before and it felt amazing, I don’t know what is stopping me or maybe I’m just not ready

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No one can make that decision for you, if your anything like me. You decide who you want to be and what want get out of life. Then be completely honest with your self, can you get the drinking or using.? I can't and tell you the truth drinking is become a slow suicide for me. I choose to live and can't explain , I'll just say I have a life I never dreamed. I only regret I wish I did it sooner.


I knew in my heart that if I drank again, I literally wouldn't be able to stop.
But everyone has their own truths.


I knew in my heart it was time, and trying to moderate or control my drinking was just not sustainable. I was tired of feeling sick and losing control. I'm happier, and at peace with it, but I work to keep sober.


I was sober for almost 4 yr and then stopped doing recovery work bc I felt like I wasn’t getting anything from it . Three weeks ago I started drinking again. The first couple days I only had 1-2 drinks at night . Then the 3-4 days I started having those drinks around 12pm and would drink 6 a day. Last night I put back maybe 10 drinks which is nothing to what I use to drink back in the day, but I woke up with a huge bump on my head and had passed out in the garage. I don’t remember shit . Thank God I couldn’t find my keys last night and just ended up walking off instead of driving . I don’t want to lose my family, freedom, or potentially hurt myself or others .
I’m getting back into this program like it’s oxygen that I need to breathe .
I definitely felt like you the last couple of weeks not wanting to stop drinking but I’ve made my mind up after last night .


My life is ultimately quieter and my relationships are so much better