I’m having a hard time staying clean. I keep spending

I’m having a hard time staying clean. I keep spending all of my money on shid so we can stop drinking but then when we aren’t on drugs, we drink at 9am and waste our money that way. I want to stop but me and my partner are caught in a cycle and it’s really fucking up my chances at having a normal life where I can stop being miserable and poor. I’m so tired of all this. I want it to stop.

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That's awesome you're wanting something more. I take it you don't live in a bigger city so you could consider vivitrol or suboxone for the opiates? Detox? I was addicted to heroin for 15 years and been clean going on 7 years. It's a beast but it atleast you can detox and not risk dying. Alcohol is a horrible thing to take on as far as dependency because you can actually die from the withdrawal. You still clean off the opiates I noticed your first post it looked like you were making progress. Did you start substituting heroin with alcohol? I know it's hard and that's an understatement. Stay positive find meetings and groups that are recovery based. Can't do it on your own, long-term anyway.

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You got this keep your head up

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When I was ready for help I started going to AA meetings. That was 6 years ago. Been free ever since.

Admitting you have a problem, and having a desire to change it are two of the biggest steps!! Now take steps towards making that change a reality!! You got this

Take all things one day at a time take deep breaths and repeat the serenity prayer over and over again

Man....I did this for a long time. First off, it’s hard to admit how serious the co-dependence can be....second, the best thing I ever did was just go to a 28 day and get some of the fog out of my head. When I was ready, it was the easiest step I think I’ve ever done. That couple weeks to let your mind settle and give yourself a chance is huge.