I’m going to see my doctor today. I’m scared to

I’m going to see my doctor today. I’m scared to death to tell him about my drinking and ask for help. Maybe some medicine to help me stay sober

Your doctor won't judge. There are medications that will require blood tests to evaluate whether they will work for you at this point. Your doctor is there to help you. They may also recommend AA, but don't be afraid to ask about medical options.

You've got this! I understand how scary it is.

This is an important step to take and im proud of you!

Just got back from doctor. Antibuse was ordered and I’m actually really excited about that

Almost had full blown anxiety before talking to doctor. Don’t know why. Was just so scared to be honest

It’s hard to open up that first time but once you do it gets easier along the way!

Please tell your doctor. Your doctor is there to help you.