I’m going through my first days of withdrawal. I need

I’m going through my first days of withdrawal. I need your strength please


It will be tough the first week then it gets better. Pay attention to your water intake and heart rate if you feel off in anyway go to the doctor. Good luck and contact me if you need to talk


One minute at a time if necessary. If you can, take a walk, take a shower, clean one little part of your place, call a friend, get to a meeting, anything but pick up. :grin:

How you doing? Make it thru the night alright

How can I msg you?

You got this! If there’s one thing I learned from major spinal cord surgery is. Pain means you’re alive. In order to recover is has heal the raw parts. Remember to keep breathing. Let your body’s inner wisdom emerge. In your pain is your purpose.
Healing vibes

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Exercise and sweets helped me through. Jacuzzis did wonders for me as well.

Once you’re “friends” there’s a message option when you click on the other person’s profile page.

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Prayers for strength sent to you

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Hang in there, you owe it to yourself.

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Just sent a friend request

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A big thing at this point is people, places, and things. If you suddenly feel the need to drink it is likely environmental. Now is a stage in your life when you are allowed to abruptly say "hey. I gotta go" and just GO. Remember that most urges last less than 15 minutes. Now is a good time to take a lot of walks as long as they don't take you anywhere near alcohol. Lean on us as needed.

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The first week is the hardest after that it is a mental thing remember now is the time to be selfish because without your sobriety there wouldn't be anything else whether you have kids a husband whatever you have to do what us best for you right now and sometimes that means you have to be selfish just be careful withdrawing alone can be dangerous from alcohol really depends on how bad you were how bad the withdrawals are. Just know you can do this and it's the best decision you can make for you and your family you got this if you need someone to talk to im here good luck I wish you the best

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You can do this!

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Prayers lifted up for you in Jesus name amen. It will get better. Hang in there.

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Thank you everyone for being so kind. Your words help so much.