I’m going on my 2nd day sober from alcohol. This

I’m going on my 2nd day sober from alcohol. This is the first time in my life that I have admitted that I’m an alcoholic. I’m so mad at myself for letting my life get to where it’s at right now. I have just been sleeping and crying the past 2 days and I haven’t been talking to anyone other than my mom and my uncle. I did go to an AA meeting on my first day going sober and I’m planning on going back again today. I’ve never been this sad and mad at myself before and I don’t know what to do with my emotions. I’m not this person.


I wish you all of the best. I have a couple days under my belt as well. I go back and forth but what helps me is just being patient and understanding with myself. Self love is key! I wish you all of the best!

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I feel your pain and it’s hard at first and believe me I know that from experience. You have to take it moment by moment and you have to keep telling yourself that you are better than that and you don’t want to end up in the hospital like I did !!! I had a minot heart attack and stroke all at the same time and I made a full recovery from that .. So don’t let yourself get that far … God is listening to everything you are saying and he’s answering your prayers :pray::pray::pray::innocent::innocent::innocent::innocent:

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First, congrats on your decision to get sober AND on reaching Day 2. In my experience, there is a bit of a grieving process when we finally cut ties from our drink or drug of choice. So it makes sense why you’ve been feeling low. Allow yourself the space and compassion to feel whatever comes up - whether it be sadness, anger, loneliness, etc. Joy happiness and serenity will replace them in time!


It gets SO much easier and fun actually. I felt the same way, sad and ashamed that I had let it get that far. It's NOT our fault our bodies can't handle the same chemical they use to fly planes! (Ethanol) is poison and you need to view it that way! Stay strong, it gets better!

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