I’m going crazy

I’m going crazy. I don’t know how to live without him. But I’m letting him go and I’m dying. My heart is so broken
I hate this feeling
I hate it so much

Letting go is the hardest thing to do . I’m still struggling to let go myself . I’ve been reading this book called addictive thinking and it’s been helping me a lot . Why are you trying to let go ?

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Hang in there, it is hard to do. You have to think about your sanity and what he does to you. You are worth so much more, you deserve someone that won't hurt you emotionally or physically for that matter. There is support in AA or other programs - hit meetings, share. You will find friendly, compassionate people there. You have people here that support you. STAY SOBER, STAY STRONG.

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Eric it’s exactly what it feels like.. I’m letting go and detaching from him and the relationship and I’m going absolutely crazy

Hi Monica thank you for your words

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Hey kristopher
It honestly makes me feel hopeful when I hear people share their story and how they’ve overcome such pain as well
Thank you

It’s a three person relationship
A love triangle
And I just can’t do it anymore
I can’t watch him love her