I’m from Alpharetta Georgia and 5 days clean. I’m going

I’m from Alpharetta Georgia and 5 days clean. I’m going to start going to meetings again but I’m scared because of all the drama and cliqueyness. Anyone have any words of encouragement?

You can do this Sydney ! Just believe in yourself, and surround yourself with encouraging family, friends, or coworkers. Good luck! I am rooting for you!

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Im only on 2 meetings a week, work and goals, hope and faith, getting my life together, me my laundry and a cold shower. Its hot and smokey here in Nevada today

Just remember if you don't join any clique you don't get involved in the drama. Your recovery is more important than letting their pettiness make you miss out.

Hang in there Sydney, and check out zoom meetings NANA 24 7 Is really good. Meetings 25 hours a day.
Meeting I D 558544927
Pswd 247247.

Don't take things personal. That's just your anxiety. Don't focus on them, but rather focus on the message. You will be amazed at the result of letting go. Pay attention to the message. :ok_hand:t3: