I’m breaking down

I’m breaking down.

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What’s wrong

I cannot stay sober. I relapsed. I feel horrible.

O my. Sounds familiar. I have 4 days today if I don’t drink. Every day one sucks. I’m 60 years old and have been struggling my whole life. I often give up and just drink. I’m just like you. All I can say is one day sober is better than no days


Just today

We relapse. It’s part of our disease. The old school way is to make meetings, get a bunch of phone numbers, and when you feel like drinking start calling strangers until someone talks to you lol. Sounds like it sucks but just depends on how bad you want it. The first 30 days is called 30 days and 1000 nights. It worked for me :blush:


I PROMISE that I understand where you are. It's okay, we just restart today with alot of self compassion. Keep perservering


Thank you all for your words of wisdom.

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Hi Francisco. Don't beat yourself down. Negative thoughts and emotions drive us to drink. We definitely don't want that.

Get up. Start again. Take it 1 moment at time.


The struggle is real. We can all relate

Let us know how you are. Still sober :crossed_fingers:

Yes. I’ve got a grip on myself today. Going to push forward and stay positive. Thank you


I'm very new on here but I was glad to see the support you've received! So far everyone I've seen post on here seems genuine and caring! I was glad to see that you're hanging in there and pushing through! Open mindedness and willingness are parts of the beginning. Strength, guidance and Hope are what we seek and obtained through the help of those who come before us. Please find whatever it is you need from whoever you need the encouragement to continue! And thank you for your honesty! Like I've heard others mention, continue to work through the struggle one moment to the next and don't forget to forgive yourself! For the majority of us relapse is a reality we must learn from in order to move towards a better life.

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How are you today????

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That's awesome, keep up the good work, don't get down, don't give up!! I've relapsed a few times too but it sounds like you only did for a day and realized you needed to get back to sobriety, you've got this! Just take one day, one hour at a time and don't look at all of it at once, it can get overwhelming but easier if you just take small steps. It didn't take a day to get addicted so it won't be cured in just one day, I'm a year and half sober and if I can do it so can you!!

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Woke up with a stronger mindset than yesterday. Just hope I can stay strong. Pushing forward, thank you.