I’m being lazy

How do you all stay motivated in life? i started using drugs because reality Is kind of boring, even though I have a lot of things I like to do. Ive kind of fell back into a slump, it’s kind of like I’ve relapsed but without getting high if that makes sense. When I first got clean I was enjoying reconnecting with my old pastimes a lot, but now all of those things are boring.

Try something new! It sounds like you need to get out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself.
So, try a hobby completely different than what you’re used to.

Plenty of fun stuff to do bro. Join a boxing or mma gym. Start hiking. What are your goals? Keep pushing towards those goals, you only have 1 life anyways so fuck it, go for it.

I hI try to set up systems so that in my despairing moments I don't have to think (because my mind won't be working to it's fullest in those times). Hack the brain chemicals for a buzz.. physical exercise! I have a mile loop planned out my front door. When in doubt, I walk or run the loop. Sometimes I flee my house in such a panic that halfway through the loop I wonder if I left my front door open, such urgency! After the loop I feel better, am motivated, or I do the loop again! Also, be kind with your own expectations. It's okay to be a little lazy right now! Nothing new here, just sending support. Keep up the great work!

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Everyone dies.

Alchohol n benzos!

This is a great coment. I feel the same way constantly. I find life boring and over rated. Even worst the wrong people constantly get introduced in my life. I think I understand exactly where your coming from.