I’m ashamed but I’m starting off at day 1 again

I hate waking up hungover and anxious. I don’t know why I do this to myself….

Aa . Org to find meeting.90&90 to meet people.you may need medical help. To stop.

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I need to get into meetings ASAP and why do you think I might need medical help ? I’m curious about what’s out there

If you drink to much .you might need help .be careful .be safe!!!

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Thank you I appreciate it!

i respectfully think you should be grateful and proud! #1 - you woke up. #2 - you posted here. #3 - here’s some good news. hangovers and anxiety are both temporary. that is not my opinion, that is evidence-based fact. i once studied anxiety obsessively so i learned a lot about it. if you’re curious, perhaps you could check out the relationship between sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. once you know how they work, you can fight both anxiety and addiction with another weapon. hope that helps a little bit! :pray::v:

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also again, respectfully - i would argue that the only mistake you made was trusting your addiction. everything after that was out of your control. the gift to ourselves (and anyone we may love) may just be to do our best to not be fooled. no one is perfect though as far as i know, so please show yourself some mercy and love for making a mistake!

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Welcome Anthony!!!! Welcome back. You can have one day or 1000 days but it’s still Day One. Because to me today is day one only. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow’s not even here yet. So every day is day one to me.I used to get tired of waking up with hangovers to. I don’t think I ever got anxious could’ve it’s been so long ago. But anyway just take it one day at a time. If you can’t do it one day at a time do it one hour at a time. Go to meetings like David said 90 meetings in 90 days. Because meeting makers make it.Just don’t be afraid you might hear your story and one of the meetings from somebody else just like you.

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Because you keep on believing the lie; that this time everything is going to be okay this time.
Is it getting better for you?

Next time you have a craving, and you will, I hope you have some phone numbers to call. If you don't, you're doing yourself a great disservice. Get some phone numbers and start to use them. Also, mix some honey with orange juice to curb the cravings.

You're going to have to learn how to play the scene all the way through. Every time you get a craving you pick up a drink, you get drunk, you pass out and then you have to start all over again. And you get to carry more shame around with you for a while. It's a vicious cycle. If you learn how to walk through the pain and start going to meetings I promise it will get better. I've been sober a long time and life is much easier.

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Best of luck on your journey

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I am on day 3 need some companions for the journey ahead - shred the shame and know others are with you

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I first went to rehab 27 yrs ago. Have quit numerous times. I’m on day 5 now. Hangovers,anxiety,ulcers etc. Never made it past that 30 days,once that long time ago. I believe this time will be different. I will try. I’m new to the sight as well.

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Many of us return to day 1. But each time may be, can be our last Day 1.


Thank you everyone! I appreciate everything that was said and I’m going to listen to everyone of you! Day two is now over and I’m still sober​:pray:t3::pray:t3: