I’m almost at 40 days, tomorrow, and I honestly hadn’t

I’m almost at 40 days, tomorrow, and I honestly hadn’t kept track until I joined this community yesterday! I’ve haven’t been able to make it past two weeks, and it was extremely hard to even make it a day without (minus my pregnancies) in the past ten years. I’ve been trying to get back into doing all the things I love and I realized I associated cracking open a beer with literally everything that’s supposed to be solely giving me joy. Gardening, painting, cooking, crafting, home improvement projects, you name it, the beer came too. I’m now learning do all those things with a la croix in hand:)The one thing, though, that I recently fell in love with that I never associated with drinking, is HOUSEPLANTS! :yum: :slight_smile: I can thank Covid for that, but they make me so happy and keep me going everyday. :heart:

What is your passion/hobby that keeps you going?

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I'm glad you found another way to do things. Also I love gardening, but house plants come to me to die. It looks like you have a lovely collection.

Music production. Since I was a teenager I loved the music scene (mainly electronic dance shows) and have a crazy studio at home. During my worst drinking I lost all drive to even turn on my computer or play my instruments. Now it’s like I’m a kid again and the spark is back. Love where I’m at right now ! Plus my 15 year old son shares the same passion

I always loved plants and animals just never could keep them inside. No patience for it. I had an aunt that kept tons of plants inside. She had Christmas cactus and tarantula plants.

If you like sparkling water, get yourself a soda stream... you can get all kinds of flavors! It's a game changer... I got really into carpentry. I just made some custom frames for old concert posters!

Most any type of exercise.
Love to hike and cycle and drinking and hangovers interfere with that.
Took a while for me to get that.
I still slip and drink to much from time to time but I’m steadily working on it.
It’s better for me to say I’m not drinking today rather than I’m never drinking again.

Congratulations, indoor plants are year around and easy to take care of them. and be ashamed to talk to them consider them as a pet I do talk to my mirror it doesn’t make me crazy I am just Yakutia my inner