I’m a new grandma today! I’m coming up on 20mo

I’m a new grandma today! I’m coming up on 20mo of sobriety and if I hadn’t decided to get sober....I would not be here at the joyous occasion!! God is good, y’all!! AA family and Him are how I do it, one day at a time..


Congrats on sobriety and the new addition. I bet you're on cloud 9.


Congratulations! :tada:

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:partying_face: congratulations

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Congratulations!! Is it your first grandchild?

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Yes! I fell in love with him as soon as I saw him! Absolutely beautiful!!!

Yes ma’am!!! God is Great!!

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I’m good thank you! How are you?

I got my first grandchild last august. Same here. I do my best to spoil him

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I don’t know enough about this app yet to do that.

Congratulations to you!!!! Being a grandma is just as wonderful as being a mom!

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I’m so blessed! My son had nothing to do with me while in my addiction. Rightfully so!! I’ve now been to his wedding and there for the birth of his child! God is so amazing!!!

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Hi there ! From one grandmother to another : My oldest granddaughter is graduating from HS then on to TSU. She and her 2 sisters have never known me drunk. For that. Im very grateful ! Can't attend her ceremony, only parents due to COVID.
I know you must feel so blessed" and me too !
God doesn't make mistakes.