I’m a mother of 4 and I’m also a closet

I’m a mother of 4 and I’m also a closet drinker. I need help and support because I don’t get it at home. Ran across this app and thought it might help to talk to others like me.

Hi Terra,
Do you want to stop drinking? If so, pray for strength, set a stop date, and detox using professional help.
Know your triggers and develop a support system, like here, which you're doing. All the best to you.

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Yes 100%

You’re right. I didnt hide it as well
As I thought I was. I was caught more than once. I just have to be done now

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Hey Terra, welcome. I'm Kevin, recovering alcoholic. Alcohol darn near killed me, well I suppose I darn near killed me since I was the one who kept putting in my body! Yeah, pretty sure those who are around you know what is going on. We think we are clever when It comes to hiding our bottles or drinking...not so much lol!! I have two kids at home, as a single father life is tough. AA has shown me a way that I can live without alchohol in my life. I wish you the absolute best in your recovery. Feel free to reach out to some folks on here, many are wonderful people in my opinion. :+1:


Thank you so much!

Alcoholism is like body odor. Everyone knows you have it. And your the last one to find out. Unfortunately the door to an alcoholic is one with one door knob. And it’s in the inside.

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I have 3 granddaughters. Thanks to AA I have been a sober grandmother ! I wouldn't trade it for anything. It wasn't easy but with the help of a sponsor and working the program, I am living proof that we do recover. 26 years sober.


Aloha Terra you would be amazed how people will support you reaching out for help. There is no shame and everything to gain by doing so. There are tons of meetings you can attend online through Zoom. It's a free app you can download. You can get the meeting links of the aa-intergroup website. You can do this! Try not to overwhelm yourself with having to quit for the rest of your life just focus on today. Take it day by day.

Thank you so much David

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I used to live in Hastings. Anytime you want to talk hit me up