I’m a meth addict who has lost everything do to

I’m a meth addict who has lost everything do to my addiction I’m looking for a sober community sober friends I’ve been clean since the 27th of last month ive lost my five year old daughter my 19 year old son and my man all due to my addiction I lost my freedom and I’m on my last leg when it comes to my probation I need help and I need to find a sponser but with COVID and me being immune compromised it’s hard for me to go to meetings


Totally relate. This is like day 1 1/2 for me. This past relapse my husband left. This disease just sucks! Feel free to message me and get my number. Hang in there!


Thank you so much and congratulations yeah I have one chance left one if I don’t get it this time I go back to prison and lose my family for good thank you for your support I appreciate it

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Im also here if you need to talk

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Hi Destiny, believe me when I say that I know what you are going through. You have conquered the hardest part of this journey, admitting the meth is what is causing your chaos. All I can tell you, is how I got away and what worked for me. Going to meetings and a sponsor are a good start. I started there as well, but found success when I chose to move to a sober living community. I would highly recommend doing so, that way you can build a network of people like yourself, wanting a better life.

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Good morning Destiny: My name is John S and I'm a recovering addict. Do you have access to the internet? If so, I have been attending online Narcotics Anonymous meetings and STAYING CLEAN. There are countless other addicts doing the same. Just download the free Zoom App. I will post a link for the meetings. I'm from New York, so I'm posting links to New York meetings.


There is a awesome app calked In the Rooms you can find any kind of sober support meeting on the app. They gave many different pathways to recovery on it!!!

They have

First of all I congratulate you on being brave enough to reach out that's the first step in a positive change in your life the spiritual principle that the first step is based off of it's honesty one thing I have to remember is that I did not choose to be addicted but I have to except responsibility for my behavior and actions in my addiction and one of the first things I had to look at is that the words I use to describe my situations by saying that I lost everything is a way of avoiding responsibility and accountability I didn't lose my wife and children I push them away I didn't lose my house or car they were repossessed because of my responsibility in this area as well the first thing I have to do is a set of responsibility and accountability for all the destruction in my life then and only then can I move forward is he the Character defects they have caused me to greatest harm much love and respect to you