I’m 8 months sober today ! 🥳 I’ve never gone

I’m 8 months sober today ! :partying_face: I’ve never gone this long. I’m undoing 20 yrs of drinking. So grateful to have made it this far. :pray:t3:

Anyone in the Frisco Tx area? Happy Monday everyone!


Congrats & keep it up!

And nope…I’m closer to the other ‘frisco than I am to Texas.

Happy Monday to you as well.

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Congratulations :muscle:


Congratulations! Stick with it. The first two years were really hard for me but it gets better.
I'm down in Austin but good to see someone else in Texas. :grin:

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Thank you!!!


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Fantastic. You are doing great.

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Yay! I am excited for you.

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Congrats! Huge milestone!

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Woohoo! Jilma!! That’s awesome
Keep up the good work

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:pray:t2::clap::clap::clap: keep up the great work, always keep learning and developing the new you. Its such a better way to live, but it takes work to develop new habits, hobbies and friends in most cases. Congrats!

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I’m hous

In houston

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One day at a time or one minute at a time one hour at a time whatever is needed. Just do the next right thing and get some friends and you’re in Frisco area got to have a friend or two right away someone to call exchange numbers! you’re never alone a again

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Thanks everyone ! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:


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That is so awesome. What great news! Good for you. Enjoy your evening.

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That is fantastic Jilma. Congratulations on 8 months. Keep on doing what you’re doing and you’ll keep getting where you’re going.

Hello from south of Austin but north of San Antonio too. Lots of Texans up in here.

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:+1: nice job

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