I’m 71 years old and just recently admitted to myself

I’m 71 years old and just recently admitted to myself that I’m drinking way too much for too long. Hasn’t interfered in my life and never interfered with my work but it’s still far too much. I am having some days that I can’t remember things from the night before. I can’t figure out how to stop and I’m too embarrassed to go to a doctor or a group near where I live. I feel really ashamed but I need to stop. I’m familiar with 12 step programs and am considering going, but where I live, in a community of retired people, there’s just so much gossip.. so even though AA is supposed to be anonymous, I’d be mortified if anyone knew I had this problem. I’d rather try an online support group. Thanks or any ideas and for your support.

Hi Lily, it is never too late to get sober. I don't know where you are, but this link has a number you can call to ask. AA & NA Meetings

Also, you may find that even if someone in your community goes to meetings, they would not out you because in doing so they too would be exposed. I hope you find what you need, and hope we can help you some here.

Thank you so much. I never thought I’d have to deal with this. I was the one helping others and cheering them on when they became sober. This goes way back in my life. Again, my feeling of embarrassment is what’s holding me back from going to meetings. I’m going to work on that. I just wonder if my drinking is just more of a bad habit than a true addiction? Or am I kidding myself? 

If you think it is a problem, then I would say your first though about it is right.

Hi Lily! The online meetings are a great place to start! You can join meetings from anywhere in the country! If it makes you more comfortable, definitely find an online meeting that’s outside of your area until you feel more confident in joining a group closer to you. There’s a really good one in Buda, Tx. They do a book study on Sunday evenings and it’s full of happy shining faces that are always welcoming.
I totally understand the feeling of embarrassment, but do hope you’ll try some meetings, and hopefully that feeling will subside over time. Best of luck to you Lily! If I can help or answer any questions please let me know!
Here’s a link for finding online meetings: https://aa-intergroup.org

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My group closes every meeting with the quote “remember, I may tell anyone that I am an alcoholic, but I may not tell anyone that you are”

And Lynn, I live in Schertz and work near onion creek. Small world!!

Small world indeed!

Call mw