I’m 7 months sober. I just got asked to tell

I’m 7 months sober. I just got asked to tell my story. Can you say terrified!?!? :pleading_face::flushed:

The first time you tell your story is a spooky experience. It gets easier and more therapeutic with time.

7 months sober... wow!! that's freakin AWESOME! Take some time & just think about that for a moment... reflect on how far you've come...from where u started... 7 MONTHS!! SEVEN MONTHS! Thats NOT a short time! Be PROUD of yourself: recall how HARD u've worked; what you've overcome...
Hopefully those memories will help ease ur anxiety. *hugs
Ooh~ another thought quick: Someone asked u to share ur story... so whomever that person is ~he or she has faith in you. Believes in you. And feels ur READY to share. So, let that be your guide. It takes STRENGTH--among other things, but whomever has such FAITH in YOU-- feels ur READY to share-- should tell you that not only does this person BELIEVE in you, but feels you & your story will inspire others in their journey to recovery!!!