I’m 20 years old, and i spent my birthday last

I’m 20 years old, and i spent my birthday last year in the hospital in a coma from a drug overdose for a little over 2 weeks. I told myself that I’d be able to stop taking the painkillers and other substances on my own. I wanted to stay sober, but I never realized that I was powerless. It took me to overdose 4 more times , and finally be WILLING to get help. I prayed and prayed, and I ended up at the Wheel House in Deer Park Texas. The program has saved my life. I’m only a month and a half sober, but this is a way better way of life. I’m very pleased with where I’m at thus far, and that’s all because I grew my relationship with my God, and became more and more conscious as time progressed.


You are a young man and I commend you for taking action. Congratulations on the month and a half, that is a hell of an milestone sir. Keep your head up and sober and you will see many more incredible milestones in your life, keep up the good fight! :muscle:t2:


Thank you, means a lot

If I can do it, you can too. You are in the right place. Stay strong brother. You've got this. You are not alone.

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The road isn't easy but the reward is great. Keep walking one step at a time. You got this.

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Thank you bro💪🏼

It gets better, never great, but better

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Yes only through a higher power

You're a miracle- keep up the great work :muscle:

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Thank you, God Bless🙏🏼

You're very welcome :blush:

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He’s great isn’t he

Thank you Sandra

I'm 40!years old Ive been lucky enough to been found All 3 times that I've overdose d I been off the opiates for 6 years but the last o d was Last summer there was fentanyl in the xanex it's in everything so 3 months ago I decided to go to white deer run in Pennsylvania where I did alot of soul searching I been going to a meeting na everyday since I've been home and yes God is more than great in my life recovery is an awesome experience right now so hold on and try your best to stay clean na says we don't have to ever use drugs again love and respect

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Yessir! 24 hours at a time