I know there are going to be bad days. What

I know there are going to be bad days but what do you guys do when you feel really bored and disconnected from everything and yourself?


Hot shower for me. Usually by the time that's fine whatever was driving me nuts is over. If it's a longer term issue then I go and meditate by organizing my tools.

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What Dee said if it’s a fleeting feeling for sure. But if you genuinely feel stuck in a rut, double up on meetings and do service work. Helping others is the single best way I can feel good about helping myself. Volunteer away those crappy feelings.


Go to meetings and volunteer to read or make coffee or something. Boredom is self created - look for online zoom meetings, go on a hike, do something you've wanted to do but haven't had time for, volunteer at an animal shelter, call sober peeps and tell them what's going on- keep pushing- it will pass :heart:

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Remember the days that were good and rinse and repeat.

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Throw my headphones in and jam out positive beats keeps me on my feet :crazy_face:

Exercises/working out helps a lot for me.

I reach out to other's and try focus on them rather then fall into selfish pity

Before I got sober, I couldn't understand how people could find any excitement in life without having a drink. It just didn't make sense to me. Once I got sober and stayed sober I found out how wrong I was. Once you learn to live life a day at a time without picking up a drink you little by little start to discover the new you. I always wanted to fly airplanes. So one day I started saving my money and I went up for a discovery flight. I started to do some Flight Training to acquire my Private Pilot license. Maybe for you it might be learning a new instrument or taking a class of some kind or another. You'd be surprised what kind of classes are offered out there for free just to learn basics of things like computers, personal money management etc. Your local public library is a great place to search for those resources.
I did a lot of things that I never would have found myself doing when I was a practicing alcoholic. In doing these things I also met a lot of different people along the way. Little by little I discovered who the real me is. I also stayed out of relationships until I could figure out who I was. This is why I tell people to stay out of relationships in early sobriety because you don't really truly know yourself because you've been living in a fog for a long time.

Incidentally, you look very young. Have you ever considered being a pilot? You should go to a local general aviation airport and tell them that you'd like to go up for a discovery flight. It's an experience you will never forget.

Prayer and meditation. Mediation can even be as simple as a nap! Napping is my favorite! Haha

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Lower your expectations.

For myself I focus on the fact that I have a daily reprieve contingent upon my spiritual maintain.