I know it’s not much but I’m 1 day sober

I know it’s not much but I’m 1 day sober & want to continue my sobriety & find happiness without using & new coping mechanisms.


every day matters :open_hands:


For an alcoholic, 24 hours IS a big deal. One day at a time.

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The 1st day is the biggest step and the hardest 1 to get. Super Super excited for you!!!

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Thank you all unfortunately alcohol isn’t my problem.

One day at a time is the key for all of it Anthony. You can do it.

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Every recovery starts with 1 day. The first day is the most important, without it there can be no more.

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You go with your bad self!!! Keep it up!

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24 hours is great!
One day at a time :pray:

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The most important day of all, that is awesome!

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Day 1 is a great start.

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Don't say that, day 1 is a huge deal!!! Congratulations :tada:


Congratulations :clap:!

You have done all that is necessary! We are obviously a one day at a time program. I tell my sponsees to do whatever it takes to stay sober until their next meeting. If you go to a meeting a day you just rinse and repeat daily. You can do it!!! :heart_eyes: