I just want to say how proud of me, I

I just want to say how proud of me, I am..... I lost someone who was very special to me bc of my drinking and I've been heartbroken ever since. I haven't had anything to drink since (73 days)and it was literally the last straw that moved me to complete my 10 months of trying to quit. Although I definitely feel I deserved a second chance, he didn't, and I have to accept that. My point is most days I think about having a drink and go out w.friends, forget everything, resort to my old methods of dealing w.pain and loss, thinking that'll be easier than dealing w.the saddness... But I haven't, not once. I'm proud of me for that even if no one else is, besides my mom lol💜


Great job!! The person you find with out drinking, will be worth the loss and strength you found through it all. Sorry you lost a love :frowning: sometimes we need some hard wake up lessons. Stay strong! Good things ahead!


I agree! Very bitter sweet... Ty!


I am currently recovering from alcohol. Like you I've lost my best friend (wife) because of my drinking. Heartbroken to say the least.


You should be proud of yourself! Because the most incredible struggle comes from within and you know more than anyone else how hard it is to resist the temptations that come with drinking. Meaning that you are more aware of yourself then anyone else is. And that is very powerful and something to be extremely proud of! I have accumulated a nice little list of people whom I have lossed because of drinking and other bad habits. The hardest part is accepting that your choices contributed to that loss. But it is also the most empowering realisation you can have. That means you are stronger than you have ever been.

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All the losses we've all suffered are tough. As long as we keep striving to be who we're meant to be, there's hope that someday we'll find solace in that everything happens for a reason. Keep up keepin on.

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I'm proud of you, too. I hope this person gives you a second chance. We all need them.

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Congratulations Dawn!! Keep coming back!! :pray::+1::blush::statue_of_liberty:

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Outstanding accomplishment..proud of you .drinking it's temporary relief it dosen't last now ur sobriety u own it its urs...awesome job man seriously

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I'm so sorry😔

Lord knows I've handed out my fair share!!! I definitely feel cheated. But​:crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

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Ty for your understanding and kind words. This site has really helped me feel not as alone and that I'm in good company.... It's nice to feel like people get me😌

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I know what you are going through. I'm proud of your progress :blush:


Proud of your progress...keep it up!:+1:

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I am proud of you! You better believe it, girl! And I'm so glad you're proud of yourself!!! :blush:

Yes, i have people around that suck me in and im in the process of breaking that cycle. I feel so great already and you seem like you are really into making yourself healthy again. Good for you!

We hurt the ones we love the most 1st that’s part of our diasese

Nice job :+1: keep it going

Great Job! Keep at it girl.. recover is hard but you deserve it!