I just want to get drunk

I'm nearly 2 months sober and my mind is trying to convince me its okay to get drunk.

This is the strongest urge I've had since I quit.

What should I do?

Call your sponsor and get to a meeting.

Unfortunately I dont have a sponsor and I haven't been to AA yet.

Ok, then I’ll be your temp sponsor right now.

Alcohol cannot fix anything. But it can make just about everything worse.

Think of what happens when you drink. All the way to the end. The embarrassment. The shame. The black out. The hang over. Maybe a fight. Maybe a car crash. Maybe handcuffs and jail and lawyers and money you don’t have. Think about how much longer your friends and family are willing to deal with your shit. Probably not too long, right?

Now go to a meeting. Listen to what has worked for millions of people like us. And don’t drink today. You can’t change the past. You can’t control the future. Just get thru today.